Resources & Publications
Tools, games, guides, articles, and videos about facilitation, coaching and team support, and learning about learning - some created for and/or with clients, and others created out of necessity or opportunity.
New resource soon!
Aren't you excited?
Coaching & Team Support
"How to recognize the departing employee" (Series, Employee Departures)
Three critical elements to honoring the departing employee - and the organization - that should make it to their supervisor's to-do list, as a way to help your employee leave feeling recognized for the time and talents they contributed to the organization, as well as good about the organization itself and the work they supported!
Learning About Learning
An Introduction to
Self-Directed Learning
A series of videos that introduce learners to self-directed learning, from what it is and is not to how to set oneself up for successful self-directed learning
Learning at Work:
The Experience Sandwich
A series of videos that introduce learners to the concept of an "experience sandwich", a concept meant to help learners learn deliberately and efficiently through experiences
Indirect Learning
A series of videos that introduce learners to the concept of "indirect learning", a way to learn through others' experiences, to boost your own learning